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2015A brief history of caviomorph rodents as told by the fossil recordVucetich, María Guiomar; Arnal, Michelle; Deschamps, Cecilia Marcela; Pérez, María Encarnación; Vieytes, Emma CarolinaUniversidad Nacional de la Plata Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo
13-oct-2013A new Early Miocene chinchilloid hystricognath rodent. An approach to the understanding of the early chinchillid dental evolutionKramarz, Alejandro Gustavo; Vucetich, Maria Guiomar; Arnal, Michelle-
may-2016Caviomorph rodents: main features of their evolution.Vucetich, María G.; Pérez, María E.; Arnal, Michelle; Deschamps, Cecilia Marcela; Vieytes, Emma C.Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas
6-mar-2018First Approach to the Paleobiology of Extinct Prospaniomys (Rodentia, Hystricognathi, Octodontoidea) Through Head Muscle Reconstruction and the Study of Craniomandibular Shape VariationAlvarez, Alicia; Arnal, Michelle-
dic-2015First Approach to the Paleobiology of Extinct Prospaniomys (Rodentia, Hystricognathi, Octodontoidea) Through Head Muscle Reconstruction and the Study of Craniomandibular Shape VariationAlvarez, Alicia; Arnal, Michelle-
2015Systematic description of three new mammals (Notoungulata and rodentia) from the Early Miocene Cerro Bandera Formation, Northern patagonia, ArgentinaKramarz, Alejandro G.; Bond, Mariano; Arnal, MichelleUniversidad Nacional de la Plata Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo
10-abr-2017Systematic revision and evolutionary history of Acarechimys Patterson in Kraglievich, 1965 (Rodentia, Caviomorpha, Octodontoidea)Arnal, Michelle; Vucetich, María Giomar; Croft, Darin A.; Bargo, María Susana; Fernicola, Juan C.; Vizcaino, Sergio F.Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas