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6-nov-2018Density and gender segregation effects in the culture of the caridean ornamental red cherry shrimp Neocaridina davidi Bouvier, 1904 (Caridea: Atyidae)Vázquez, Nicolás Darío; Delevati Colpo, Karine; Sganga, Daniela Eliana; Lopez, Laura SusanaCONICET
mar-2015Effect of Temperature on Biochemical Composition, Growth and Reproduction of the Ornamental Red Cherry Shrimp Neocaridina heteropoda heteropoda (Decapoda, Caridea)Tropea, Carolina; Stumpf, Liane; Lopez, Laura SusanaCONICET
27-abr-2016Embryology of the spider crabs Leurocyclus tuberculosus (H. Milne-Edwards & Lucas 1842) and Libinia spinosa (H. Milne-Edwards 1834) (Brachyura, Majoidea)Gonzalez Pisani, Ximena; Dellatorre, Fernando Gaspar; Lopez, Laura Susana-
sep-2017Energy reserves mobilization: Strategies of three decapod speciesSacristán, Hernán Javier; Rodriguez, Yamila Eliana; Pereira, Nair de Los Angeles; Lopez, Laura Susana; Lovrich, Gustavo Alejandro; Fernandez Gimenez, Analia VeronicaCONICET
jul-2014Functional morphology of the reproductive system and sperm transfer in Stenopus hispidus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Stenopodidea), and their relation to the mating systemGregati, Rafael A.; Fransozo, Vivian; Lopez, Laura Susana; Negreiros Fransozo, María Lucía; Bauer, RaymondCONICET
jul-2014Recovery growth of Cherax quadricarinatus juveniles fed on two high-protein diets: Effect of daily feeding following a cyclic feeding period on growth, biochemical composition and activity of digestive enzymesStumpf, Liane; Tropea, Carolina; Lopez, Laura Susana-
-Reproductive cycle and ovarian development of the marine ornamental shrimp Stenopus hispidus in captivityGregati, Rafael A.; Fransozo, Vivian; Lopez, Laura Susana; Negreiros Fransozo, María Lucía-
abr-2010Sex reversal and growth performance in juvenile females of the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Parastacidae): Effect of increasing temperature and androgenic gland extract in the dietSánchez, Mariana; Lopez, Laura SusanaCONICET
3-may-2017Temperature influences the reproduction of fiddler crabs at the southern edge of their distributionDelevati Colpo, Karine; Lopez, Laura SusanaCONICET