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dc.creatorPerillo, Gerardo Miguel E.-
dc.identifierPerillo, Gerardo Miguel E.; Hacia una nomenclatura y clasificación de formas de fondo transversales formadas por flujos de agua; Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología; Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Sedimentología; 8; 2; 12-2001; 15-34-
dc.identifierCONICET Digital-
dc.descriptionExiste un gran diversidad de nombres y clasificaciones de formas de fondo en todos los idiomas, 10 que redunda en complicaciones ala hora de describirlas. Nuestro idioma no es una excepcion y por 10 tanto es tiempo de establecer un esquema que reuna una nomenclatura y clasificacion de formas de fondo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es dar una primera aproximacion hacia ese logro para formas de fondo, princi- palmente transversales al flujo. Estos flujos se consideran tanto unidireccionales (en senti do amplio) y oscilatorios. Se presenta tambien una breve resefia de las relaciones dinamicas entre el flujo y el sedimento necesario para comprender el porque de estas formas. Pero no se incluyen las estructuras primarias generadas por las mismas. Entre otros aspectos, se prop one el empleo del termino "dunas" unicamente para las formas transversales generadas por flujos de agua, y del termino "medano" cuando el agente es el viento.-
dc.descriptionAs it is common in many languages, Spanish-speaking researchers dealing with bedforms have developed a large variety of terms and classifications which, sometimes, are even contradictory. The main aim of the present article is to provide a nomenclature and classification scheme for transversal bedforms generated by water flows that can serve as the basis for a more elaborated product achieved after several iterations, with the consensus of these researchers. In particular, it is proposed the use of the word "dunas" for the transversal bedforms generated by water flows and "médanos" when the agent is wind. Bedforms are instabilities in the sediment-water interface. Particles displaced from one point in the bed are deposited in another producing a modification in the flow structure and inducing further deposition in and around these particles. The flow instability then propagates downcurrent inducing the formation of new bedforms. Even though there is general agreement about the main formation mechanisms for bedforms, there are many details about their genetic processes, and which variables affect them the most are still unknown. Different authors have suggested that water depth, grain size, presence/absence of fine (silt or clay) particles, flow velocity and asymmetry are some of the most important predicting variables. However, the correlations observed are far from satisfactory or are site or experiment-specific and seldom can be extrapolated to other environments. Some correlations such as H vs d and L vs d are given in figures 4 and 5. A nomenclature of transverse bedforms elements are given in figure 3. The proposed bedform classification for unidirectional flow is provided in figure 15 while a similar one for oscillatory flow is show in figure 16. In both cases the tables also indicate the proposed names in Spanish, but also the bottom areal configuration, the limiting dimensions, their relationship with the flow (longitudinal or transversal) and the flow configuration for each element. In the case of the unidirectional forms we added the original bed shape that developed the initial instability. Both classifications show a size increment for the smallest bedforms or the maximum possible with the considered flow. However, this is not indicative that an evolutionary criterion is attached. To develop a major bedform it is not necessary that all previous bedforms occur before. Nevertheless, it is common the presence of bedform hierarchies where several class elements are present simultaneously.-
dc.descriptionFil: Perillo, Gerardo Miguel E.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía; Argentina-
dc.publisherAsociación Argentina de Sedimentología-
dc.sourcereponame:CONICET Digital (CONICET)-
dc.sourceinstname:Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas-
dc.subjectformas de fondo-
dc.subjectflujos unidireccionales-
dc.subjectflujos oscilatorios-
dc.subjectMeteorología y Ciencias Atmosféricas-
dc.subjectCiencias de la Tierra y relacionadas con el Medio Ambiente-
dc.titleHacia una nomenclatura y clasificación de formas de fondo transversales formadas por flujos de agua-
dc.titleTowards a nomenclature and classification of transversal bedforms generated by water flows-
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