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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.provenanceUniversidad Nacional de Rosario.RepHipUNR-
dc.creatorRamírez, Liliana-
dc.creatorZuliani, Susana-
dc.creatorPorstmann, Juan Carlos-
dc.creatorLópez, Gabriela-
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo analiza económicamente las actividades tambo y agricultura en el sur de la provincia de Santa Fe. El período de análisis comprende los ciclos agrícolas de la serie 1993/94-2004/05. El modelo agrícola está caracterizado por la superficie ocupada por las actividades más representativas y sus correspondientes rendimientos, en siete departamentos del área de estudio. Igual criterio se utiliza para calcular la productividad del tambo. Los ingresos y los costos se actualizan por el Índice de Precios Internos al por Mayor al mes de abril de 2005. El tambo resultó ser una actividad competitiva con la agricultura, tanto a nivel de Margen Bruto como de Ingreso Neto en varios períodos. Los resultados históricos presentan un comportamiento influenciado por las oscilaciones de las variables macroeconómicas o de carácter no modificable por el productor (tipo de cambio, precios de exportación de la leche, precios de los granos, demanda externa, etc.). La diversificación productiva, implementando planteos mixtos, junto al aumento de la productividad, podría aprovechar las oportunidades que se ofrezcan en el futuro, además de influir favorablemente en el sostenimiento de los agrosistemas.-
dc.descriptionThe objective of this work was to provide an economic analysis of agriculture and dairy farms in southern Santa Fe (Argentine). The period analyzed includes the agricultural seasons in the 1993/94 - 2004/05 series. The agricultural model was defined on the basis of an area devoted to the most representative activities and their yields in seven departaments in southern Santa Fe. The same criterion was used to calculate the profitability of dairy farms. Incomes and costs were updated up to April 2005 by the Wholesale Internal Prices Index. Dairy farms were found to be competitive as compared to agriculture, both at Gross Profit and Net Profit obtained in several periods. Historical results showed a behaviour influenced by fluctuations in macroeconomic variables, that cannot be modified by the producer (rate of exchange, milk export prices, grain prices, external demand and so on). Therefore, it would be advisable to diversify production, applying mixed schemes in which greater diversification along with higher productivity would take advantage of future opportunities as well as favouring impact on the sustainability of agricultural systems.-
dc.descriptionSoybean fixes atmospheric nitrogen through mutualistic symbiosis with Brdyrizobium japónicum y/o Sinorhizobium, by means of Nitrogen Biological Fixation (FBN). High yields and high soil nitrogen reserves are obtained by species that nodulate vigorously and fix nitrogen efficiently, when combined with simple agronomics strategies like the inoculation of seed. When naturalized population reaches 102 - 103 cells per gram, there is a great nodule occupation competition and therefore nodulation is depressed. This study compares the behaviour of different soybean inoculants with soil naturalized population on the nodulation, growth and yield parameters in Cañada de Gómez and Clason, Santa Fe, Argentina. A combination of laboratory, green house and field trials was used to evaluate nodulation in a typic Argiudol soil containing 105 naturalized cells per gram. Commercial inoculants containing 109 viable cells per product unit were also used. Infectivity values were over 80% in all cases. Nodulation percentages and dry weights of plants grown in green house showed no significant differences. The number of nodules per plant was higher in Clason (55,9) than is Cañada de Gómez (34,4), probably due to the difference in nitrate content (72 and 103 ppm respectively). Nevertheless, nodulation differences did not affect plant growth and yield, in any of localities.-
dc.publisherUNR Editora-
dc.relationRevista de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias;v.11-
dc.sourcereponame:RepHipUNR (UNR)-
dc.sourceinstname:Universidad Nacional de Rosario-
dc.subjecttambo y agricultura-
dc.subjectanálisis económico-
dc.subjectvariables macroeconómicas-
dc.subjectdairy farms and agriculture-
dc.subjecteconomic analysis-
dc.titleEvolución histórica de la rentabilidad de la agricultura y el tambo en el sur de Santa Fe períodos 1993-94 a 2004-05-
Aparece en las colecciones: Universidad Nacional de Rosario. RepHipUNR

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